Category: News

  • Election 24 – Local candidates position on humanist issues

    Election 24 – Local candidates position on humanist issues

    In the run up to the election on July 4th, Humanists UK have been analysing the party’s manifestos for their implications for key humanist campaigns. They have a page on […]

  • What you think you know about decarbonisation is probably wrong

    In advance of her talk to us in May (see details under the Events tab), Zion Lights has written this article for us outlining her arguments on decarbonisation of our […]

  • An opportunity for some activism

    An opportunity for some activism

    The government is again proposing to allow new faith schools, even though completely state funded, to select 100% of their pupils based on their parents’ religion (as if the current […]

  • January and February 2024 news

    January and February 2024 news

    We’re well into 2024 now, and we’ve already had some great events. Our January talk was a fascinating introduction to the Plymouth Sound National Marine Park. Nick Helm, National Marine […]

  • Interfaith Week 2023

    Interfaith Week 2023

    Last week was Interfaith Week, and some of our committee members took part in events to mark it, representing the non-religious in the city. Martin was on an Interfaith Panel […]

  • New Web Site

    New Web Site

    We’ve got a new web site! We’ve been running on Joomla for many years, but the software has become outdated, so we decided to move to WordPress, by far the […]

  • AGM 2023

    AGM 2023

    Our 2023 AGM went very well on Saturday 15th July, thanks to all those who attended. Here are the key points. After steering us successfully through the last few years, […]

  • June 23 Update

    June 23 Update

    I’ve been a bit lax with updates recently, so here’s what we’ve been up to over the last few months. Our March talk was from Rebecca Vincent, a local humanist […]