An opportunity for some activism

The government is again proposing to allow new faith schools, even though completely state funded, to select 100% of their pupils based on their parents’ religion (as if the current 50% cap wasn’t iniquitous enough). More information in the links below. It’s annoying to have to fight this battle again, but if you’d like to help, the second HUK link has a petition you can sign and the National Secular Society page has a link where you can write to your MP to oppose this change

HUK Article

HUK Petition

National Secular Society article and link to write to MP

As the campaign for Mubarak Bala’s release enters its next phase, Humanists International is encouraging supporters across the globe to send a message of solidarity to him and his family to give him strength for the challenge ahead. As you may recall, Mubarak Bala is a Nigerian human rights activist and President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, and is currently serving a 24-year prison sentence because of Facebook posts he is alleged to have made over the course of April 2020, which are deemed to have caused a public disturbance due to their “blasphemous” content. If you’d like to offer your support, more details are here:






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