Author: Tim Purches
January ’25 talk – Urban Wildlife
We had an amazing turn out for our talk on urban wildlife in January. Over 40 people packed the B-Bar to hear Dr James Buckley talk about the challenges of […]
December ’24 Events
As is traditional, we had our Christmas Buffet at the beginning of the month in the Fortescue, which was well attended, and also a few outings to see films at […]
November ’24 Talk – Humanists at Risk
We had another well attended talk in November, when Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK, came to speak to us. He started by giving an update on the Assisted […]
October talk – The Incoherent Truth: Plymouth & South Devon Freeport
We had our most well attended talk since the pandemic in October. Around 30 people filled the B-Bar to hear Jim Funnell talk about Freeports, and in particular the Plymouth […]
Charles Bradlaugh and the ‘Devonport Affair’
Charles Bradlaugh was a leading 19th century secularist. He founded the National Secular Society, worked tirelessly to oppose religious privilege and promote atheism, and with his friend, feminist and socialist, […]
September talk – The People’s Primary
It was great to see so many people at our September talk on ‘The People’s Primary’. Anthea is a passionate and knowledgeable speaker, and the talk was both fascinating and […]
Monday’s violence in Plymouth
Hopefully many of you will have already seen Humanists UK’s statement about the recent outbreak of far-right violence targeting minority communities in the UK. Here’s the link We completely endorse […]
Supporting those who leave high-control coercive religions
We had a very interesting and informative talk from Yvonne of Faith to Faithless in June. She told us about her own experiences leaving a high control religious environment, the […]
Election 24 – Local candidates position on humanist issues
In the run up to the election on July 4th, Humanists UK have been analysing the party’s manifestos for their implications for key humanist campaigns. They have a page on […]
May 24 talk – Zion Lights on decarbonising electricity generation
Zion Lights, science communicator and Humanists UK Patron, came to speak to us in May. Zion is a longtime environmental activist, having been heavily involved in Extinction Rebellion and was […]