April ’24 talk – The Howard League for Penal Reform

Rob Preece from the Howard League for Penal Reform came down to Plymouth to speak to us in April. He gave an very interesting, if rather concerning, talk on the state of the UK justice system. By the prison service’s own measure of safe and decent accommodation, he told us, there are about 80,000 prison places in England and Wales. But official projections published by the Ministry of Justice indicate that there could be as many as 114,800 people in prison in four years’ time. With the general election drawing near, he discussed the scale of the challenge that awaits whichever party assumes responsibility for the prison system in the years ahead using evidence from Dartmoor and Exeter prisons, as well as jails further afield, exploring how the crisis came about, how it might escalate, and, most importantly, how we might solve it.

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