Who are we?
We are a group of humanists who live in the Plymouth area. These are our committee members:
Rich (Chair)
Tim Purches (Secretary)
Tim worked in IT for many years until his retirement. As well as being Secretary, he also looks after the web site and our book club too. He is also a volunteer school speaker, and has spoken to adult groups as well. You can find him on twitter as @TimPurches.
Julia (Treasurer)
Martin Lavelle (Committee Member)
Martin is a theoretical physicist based at the University of Plymouth. He has lived and worked in Ireland, Germany and Spain before coming to the city. Martin took over as Chair from Ben Kerr in June 2015, standing down at the end of his three year stint in June 2018. He occasionally tweets under @MartinJLavelle.
Jamie Wright (Committee Member)
Jessica Adams (Committee member)
Jessica is a nurse, working in the NHS. She was our Chair from 2018 until 2023.
Ben Kerr (SACRE Representative)
Ben is a teacher and was Plymouth Humanists Chair from November 2011 until June 2015.
To contact any of the committee, email us at plymouth.humanists@gmail.com.