Here are our upcoming events

Saturday 17th August – Social: Walk from Horrabridge

Our next walk will be from Horrabridge up onto the edge of the moors and back down again. Details to be firmed up, but we’ll catch the Stagecoach 2 service from Plymouth to get us there and have a drink afterwards in the Leaping Salmon. There will be a longer route for those who like the walking and a shorter one for those who prefer to dawdle and look at the wildlife. Plenty of maps will be provided to minimise the chances of getting lost! If you prefer you can just meet us in the pub when we get back. Let us know if you’d like to join us and we’ll send you the details

Tuesday 24th September at 19:30 – Talk: People’s Primaries

We’re welcoming back from Anthea Simmons from West Country Voices who will be talking to us about People’s Primaries. There seems to be little chance of any serious reform of our First Past the Post System. So, what other alternatives do we have? In South Devon a ‘Progressive Primary’ was held to select a single candidate that people could unite behind in the General Election in order to oust the sitting MP. Did this work and is it a model for the future? Came and hear Anthea’s views and join in the discussion.

Venue: The B-Bar, The Barbican Theatre, Castle St, Plymouth PL1 2NJ (accessibility information can be found here )

This event is free and all are welcome, although a voluntary contribution (in cash please) to help cover speakers’ costs would be appreciated.

Tuesday 22nd October at 19:30 – Talk: Freeports

What are Freeports and what are their implications for the local economy and their impact on local democracy? Our speaker is Jim Funnell, who you can find on X (Twitter) as @jimfunnel1.

Venue: The B-Bar, The Barbican Theatre, Castle St, Plymouth PL1 2NJ (accessibility information can be found here )

This event is free and all are welcome, although a voluntary contribution (in cash please) to help cover speakers’ costs would be appreciated.

Tuesday 26th November at 19:30 – Talk: Andrew Copson

Details to be confirmed, but we are hoping Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of Humanists UK, will be coming to speak to us in September.

Venue: The B-Bar, The Barbican Theatre, Castle St, Plymouth PL1 2NJ (accessibility information can be found here )

This event is free and all are welcome, although a voluntary contribution (in cash please) to help cover speakers’ costs would be appreciated.