We had an amazing turn out for our talk on urban wildlife in January. Over 40 people packed the B-Bar to hear Dr James Buckley talk about the challenges of and opportunities for encouraging biodiversity in our city. There are a few things of interest that were raised that we said we’d pass on.
Plymouth City Council are holding focus groups to inform their plans to protect and improve our natural environment. This is a great opportunity to let the council know what people really want, so do get along to one of the sessions if you can (note that the sessions are rapidly getting booked up!) https://www.tickettailor.com/events/environmentalplanningplymouthcitycouncil
Plymouth Tree People have a talk a Cafe Momus on Monday 3rd February on the ‘Suffragette Arboretum’ in Somerset. Book via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening-talk-on-the-suffragette-arboretum-tickets-1144587334529 They hold regular talks of interest to anyone who cares about our urban trees, as well as many practical opportunities to do something positive to protect them – see their website here https://plymouthtrees.org/
The map showing the council’s grass cutting regime is here https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/how-we-manage-our-grass
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